89 años deshojando CalendariosCUIANDO ME VAYA,, YA NO SERA COMO EN AQUELLOS TIEMPOSSIMPLEMENTE MORTAL¡Padre! Papá, Fatherr! Pai ! !¡Padre! Papá, Fatherr! Pai ! OTROS IDIOMASPOR LAS VENAS ABIERTAS DE COLOMBIABiografía Autorizada IIBiografiaVOCES DE ESPERANZA II 2021UN MINUTO DE POESIADesvelos al amanecer de un nuevo mundoRepentismo al amanecerMEDITACIONES PANDEMICASDESVELOSMUERTE EN EL DESIERTO/DEATH IN THE DESERTTRILOGIA DE ESPERANZA CON INTERMEDIO DE CEGUERAKoyaanisqatsiKoyaanisqatsi IIALBORADAQUE NO SE DIGAJornada al interior de la mente amenazada.Redescubriendo la FelicidadVOCES DE ESPERANZA¡Buenos dias mundo! EL LIBRO DE LA ESPERANZA¡BUENOS DIAS MUNDO!BUENOS DIAS MUNDO CECILIA LAMPREA DE GUZMANDetengan el mundo... Ya no es como antes...Trapos RojosAngeles TerrenalesFrases Memorables en Buenos dias MundoHacia Horizontes de PazLas Cosas Simples de la VidaPRESENCIA AUSENTE.EL VIENTO **SONIA iiAmaneci pintando nubesArs amatoria iiArs AmatoriaArs Amatoria*El nuevo significado del amorAve Viajera.MéxicoConversación con Pablo Neruda!Como llueve Amor ¡Como llueve!Ecce HommoEcos del ayer¡ Este Hombre !!Hamlet Ha Muerto! ¡Que Viva Hamlet!Cuento de Cordillera*Memorias de un Lasallista80 años de penas y alegrías.DIA DEL PADRE MEMORIASPRESENCIA DE ABUELOLa Vida Es Una Joya...La Vie Quel Beau JoyauLa Gota que desbordó mi copaLos secretos del BosqueOtras estaciones ..otros viajes...Plenitud/ Fullness/PlenitudeQuejas de Otoño al oido de la PrimaveraQuijotismo y otras lecturasDIA INTL DEL IDIOMANo solo de pan vive el hombreBendigo las Diferencias/**Berolo en la Voz de José Saz/Audio VideosPoetry by Joseph BeroloTime it is for us...Academia virtual de literaturaJOSEPH BEROLO VIDEOS


I am only the reflection of the light that flows from the bards of the world, and poet because I live in their vicinity Joseph Berolo
Repentism at sunset
Because in life
we are travelers of the myth
and the mirage
and the oaks and the palms
in the distant blue
all have hints of madness
and a bit of possible watchtowers-
Because we feel the scream
of the flesh that yearns
for nails on a trembling cross
at 3 o'clock in the afternoon ..
Because we feel the river
and the foam and the fall
and the spasm
of the rock and entrails ...
because being able
to be we are not
and we are in the mere event.
Because at the end of the day ...
we are the fruit of Genesis,
and we are the orgasm
of eternal living
eternal creation.
I live under the glare of a star
detached from the short earthly path
attached to the love of true life
in the mystical bed of eternity.
The hours were of the time consumed,
lonely passage to worlds of vain chimeras,
path already traced to foreseen destination
where tonight's rumba ends.
From vain prosaic ties free, the soul
his infinite journey without hesitation undertakes
beyond so much pain and so much death,
only seeks strength in the quietness of Peace
to be his carrier pigeon of good will 
that somewhere in the world God awaits
. A most delightful journey
A song to You, my nest to roost in ways I cannot reckon. A song to let the pen dispense sweet strokes and lines and rhythms for you to feel like incense caressing the corners of your land. To let it be a journey of life through the fertile valley of your skin divine. To let it devour the geography of your thoughts of mine akin. A poem to be for all a sacred temple, an angel painted on its dome, a place to call the world to sermon, and yet, for me, alone to read. For in verse, I would become, by a muse so gently tamed, my most glorious tale, for all who love, to hear and say.
A Candle Lit Upon The World Manhattan New York 911 2001
¡Pass the torch...! the trembling hand
stretched, my candle lit another candle and so a thousands more ignited at our services today. For this little flame upon the melting wax, a message sent across the pews to all in pray, in our humble church of Bethlehem. And it felt so mystic and celestial to pass the torch with love and faith, for in this land of ours, is the candle in our hand today, the glowing light for all who perished in the skies above and those in deepest caves entombed. Pass the torch my friend! Pass it well
beyond the temple of your faith, for it is the candle lit upon the world today the last farewell to those who went to eternal rest and us all who must begin to live again.
Just an instant
An instant was of light of summer dawn and blue of hope upon the sky... and then no more but doom and fury of hell upon the land. A cloud of death for us all to walk the path of no return. The empire is grieving, our souls in ashes drown, friends, brothers, soul's unknown, posthumous cry from far beyond a plight of rescue call us all, to live again and roar with fury unleashed only God can hear us in our pain from the horror of today. 
On to war
Do not rejoice in battle,
the midst of fury unleashed,
Agfan in flames
or Taliban destroyed.
Marching on today we must
not to seek revenge,
or match the reign of horror
launched on fateful day,
but to find the way
to see the face of evil
in its cave of hell
and feel the grip of death
and rescue life itself.
For the time has come
to let the well
of our faith run beyond
the roots of Bin Laden.
To kill the beast, we must,
for in the killing
the sword of justice thrust,
an eternal dawn
will come of light
for Islam and for us all.
A little time of wait
Mother to be
In awe and hope, for the day has come when nothing matters but the angel growing in a bed of roses within your sacred womb.
Only you with faith to ignore a swollen limb, an exploding brain, those awful morning sweats and days of heavy steps, can become the light you feed with joy- the brightest star to shine upon your bosom and the endurance of your soul. A rose has left my garden To my daughter Viviane - Kuwait-Iraq March 18, 2002 I dreamt of a garden blossoming in a desert; of bells ringing in the modest tower of a church, above a pristine land of births and joy galore, and that nothing was true of a war in lurk somewhere in the East beyond my lore. I dreamt of the busiest of all beehives, defiant little bees building honeycombs, catching butterflies hanging from the sky- precocious quest of infantile abandonment. In sadness lost, I saw depart impromptu from the happy cluster of my dreams, a silent bee wrapped in sighs and farewells. Her fate unknown but seeming thorny, unknown dimension my soul is target until my honeybee returns in hurry. Upon the graves
Tender is the light and bright still the flame upon the Towers gone today In sudden flash of death.
Land of souls alive. their dreams remain above the graves
America remembers pain unknown before a year ago in September. Embracing ways of hope, prepared for war, the land defends and fight the shadows of the unknown. Alert we pray in vigil night and day and swear never to forget.
At dawn it was
When at dawn in lazy path barely appearing, the morning filled with sorrow the dream was gone in darkness. ¡Cannot be! To have loved so much the bridal nubile feel, a light so brief, turned a wreaked charm. So big a passion, the wind, the rain, the blue beyond. ¡Oh! the abyss of age, the ringing of the bells in faulty towers of unearthed harvest, the dawns of boiling veins, the whispers of ghostly diaries, the taste of roses dead in broken vases, the anguish of the Calvary, the longest hour of the climb. ¡Cannot be! Abandoned breathing candles in the darkest clouds of the myth, delirium, painful sores... the dark. 
What is left
In the air, a soft, warm breeze. In the breeze, a gentle sound. In the sound, a name of love. In the name, some profound, pure and sweet gift of grace, for all times remembered well. In such a gift, an island sea of gracious hills and tropic dreams. A place to turn to, when far away, to ignore all pain in limpid streams, its golden shores and sandy ways of luscious forest and palms of faith. Such the young tenacious land
born upon a time of tenderness. The brightest sun, the mountains touched that day in endless song of light, and there were fountains of joy spilling life for long.
And God created Mom
Of all times millenniums past of every year, month and day, from creations dawn, from all the journeys of mankind to this morning of your reign. Mom! Without you, what other reason to live another day, to wear strength to wake and walk to war and pain? Without you, Mom, all deeds are in vain. Here on earth, in blossom and ambrosia upon your human garden, or, beyond, in heavens by glorious labor, You, Mom, inhabit the frontiers of never ending dreams for it is your light upon the altar of our prayers for us, your homage to the Gods, in vigil guarding our days.
Days of Pain
And there was sadness and so many cried in abyss of despair; our souls and lives knew of ghostly rain of death and of caves of doom so near, so close the labyrinths of fear- the way we were one day, no more, no more. But not at Xmas time, Hanukkah o Ramadhan. Not at home today under the greenest tree ever grown in all the land. For hope and greater deeds and blessed mistletoes adorn
the most sacred time of year-
the warm of all Kabbalah's
keep alive the land of Israel...
-upon the tortured plains of all Fagan,
hope resolve the darkness
of the land- armed in wait,
the hordes in Iraq
don't know night or day-
yet the furies seem to die
of death itself-
and in the darkness of the heart.
Time it is for us all
To lit the candle of our faith
in the midst of fury unleashed...
not to seek revenge,
or match the reign of horror
launched upon the world-
it seems to last forever-
but to find the way
to see the face of evil
in its cave of hell
and feel the grip of death
and rescue life itself.
For the time has come
to let the well of our faith
drown the inferno
where evil lurks-
To kill the beast, we must,
for in the killing lies-
¡Ironic¡... the Peace we seek.
-the sword of justice thrust,
an eternal dawn will come of light
to a world so cruel
and yet so good.

Por Joseph Berolo

En el aire, una brisa suave y cálida. En la brisa, un sonido suave.  En el aire,  un llamado de amor. En el amor, un don de gracia profundo, puro y dulce, recordado. En   el recuerdo, un bendito sueño, en el sueño, un verde de esperanza , una isla de paz,un lugar para vivir, para refrescarse en cálidos arroyos de orillas doradas, por senderos bordeados de Voces de  Esperanza. El sol más brillante que nunca, las montañas se acercaron aún más a las estrellas en interminable crecer de sus alturas , y hubo fuentes de alegría derramando  vida por mucho tiempo
Mas no nos dejemos cegar por la grandeza del momento cuando todo brilla,  aún así, el "Fin de todo Bien"  parece amenazarnos.   No corramos tan rápido, lo único que hace es mantenernos en el mismo lugar. No hagamos múltiples tareas de repente. No pensemos en la Muerte porque la muerte "no es nada para nosotros, ya que cuando somos, la muerte no ha llegado y cuando ha llegado la muerte, no somos" (Epicuro).  Es cierto, hemos llegado a la época del nanosegundo. Es el apogeo de la velocidad. Los centros de mando del Poder controlan nuestra existencia. Apenas sabemos que estamos vivos, todo lo que sabemos es acerca de estar en modo de avance rápido, advanced mode, fast track,  el tiempo es esencial, nos sentimos apurados, incluso en medio de la dicha. 20 años del  nuevo siglo, un milenio, Y2K, la miseria del Virus, la Web, el correo electrónico, la precisión de los nanosegundos, una milmillonésima parte de un segundo error significa  un pie fuera de la ruta a  Marte,un  sintonizar con precisión los anchos de banda, una puerta supersónica  de salida   de las naves espaciales., botones de marcación rápida, centros de coordinación a distancia, 
 Detengamos   por un segundo normal de tiempo y pensemos  en alguien a quien amar, en algo para dar, en una buena acción que hacer más allá aqui y ahora porque no  no tenemos tiempo,  hasta que sepamos qué tiempo llenar. Pensemos en como tener y vivir días menos agitados, cuando el tiempo vuelva a ser el regalo para dar y tener, para amar durante mucho tiempo en sobre tiempo de amor,  overtime  of love ,
In the air, a soft, warm breeze. In the breeze, a gentle sound. In the sound, a name of love, In the name, some profound, pure and sweet gift of grace, for all times remembered well. In such a gift, an island green of hope and blessed dream. A place to live from far away. to freshen up in warm streams of golden shores, pathways of green and palms of faith Such the young tenacious girl born upon a day of tenderness The brightest sun, the mountains touched that day in endless song of light, and there were fountains of joy spilling life for long A Wish you upon the New Century: Let us not be blinded by the brevity of the moment. Let us not be tormented by the "End of". Let us not run so fast, all it does is to keep us in the same place. Let us not multitask for a moment. Let us not think of Death because death is "nothing to us, since when we are, death has not come and when death has come, we are not" (Epicurus). It is true, we have reached the epoch of the nanosecond. This is the heyday of speed. Command centers control our existence. We barely know we are alive, all we know is about being in fast forward mode, time is of the essence, rushed we feel, even in the midst of bliss. A new century, a millennium, Y2K, the misery of the Bug, the Web, e-mail, nanosecond precision, a billionth of a second error- one foot off track to Mars, precisely tune bandwidths, supersonic gate to gate intercontinental shuttles, speed dial buttons, remote controls, 10 seconds wait- an eternity- Drop Stuff life, it makes haste, compresses time into an infinite loop of queues, it gets there before what or who? we don't know. It just gets there. Here it is my wish to you. Stop for a normal second of time and think of someone to love, something to give, a good deed to do beyond the Master Clock for it cannot "tell our time of day, For What event to pray, Because we have no time, because we have no time until we know what time to fill, why time is other than time was" _W. A. Auden. See you in less hectic days, when time may be again the gift to give and have, to love for long in overtime mode. January 1st. 2000
Dawn of a new day
Let the season of the smiles arrive
with its warm glow of new dawns
to fill with lights, the existence and
of smooth breezes the course of every day
Do not forget to watch the yesterday that dies
in the pale reflection of the things brought,
nor believe that nothing remains in its path
or suggests return - all remains and nothing remains of his era!
Relive everything lived, nothing was in vain, thistles
perhaps- and the memories- the breath of the flame,
the silence that overwhelmed loneliness, the vain passing
of the bribery, the elusive embrace of happiness.
Let the day appear and the larks sing!
That if yesterday was sad and filled with shadows,
Faith, dreams, life, its offspring, its ardors,
everything IS and lives in this dawn of love.
Julio 2020
Drawn Up Paths
Keeper of my poem
born the instant deeply felt
of New Year's first beat of joy,
I travel newer paths
filled still with yesterdays.
Calmly marching with the past,
aboard my ship of dreams
departed ones travel silently,
soundless wings carrying
fond of walking memories,
the lighter load of all.
For they, God of Heavens,
guardian of my secrets,
what they were, is the path
tracing my tomorrows;
their lives long gone,
grant renewed faith and joy.
For all I am, to them I owe.
Their hugs and kisses last,
my heart to them, I live again.
Let it not be said
Let it not be said that it dawns in twilight
the mind wrapped in absurd wanderings
and the heart weakened by restless nights
without wanting to beat again with ancient verve.
Let it not be said that for being in quarantine
laziness has sat in the living room of our house
and we share like with and old companion
and without a thought allow the weeds abound.
Let it not be said that the imposed social distance
is to cast looks of absolute mistrust
and that it is prudence not to hug
only that we have become sullen of bad upbringing.
Let it not be said that our neighbor is a stranger
that no longer even looks out on the us
and go back to the old manner of looking away
and grumble low and remain careless and oblivious.
Let it not be said that for having to be masked
our looks cannot be loaded with tenderness
or in noble gesture respond with grace
and help the quest of others for love and help
Let it not be said that because the church is closed
we cannot make our house a sacred temple
and classroom, and a warm villa of our home
that can be called global in faith and hope.
Let it not be said that we are not unhappy
for not having a job and living on everything scarce
but for not being able to run anxiously side by side
to tell everyone that we learned to be a lot
(more human.
August 22.2020
TO YOU DEAR QUEEN Some poems with my request for correction of these translations from the original in Spanish Thank you for your kindness. Joseph
I am only the reflection of the light that flows from the bards of the world, and poet because I live in their vicinity
Repentism at sunset
Because in life
we are travelers of the myth
and the mirage
and the oaks and the palms
in the distant blue
all have hints of madness
and a bit of possible watchtowers-
Because we feel the scream
of the flesh that yearns
for nails on a trembling cross
at 3 o'clock in the afternoon ..
Because we feel the river
and the foam and the fall
and the spasm
of the rock and entrails ...
because being able
to be we are not
and we are in the mere event.
Because at the end of the day ...
we are the fruit of Genesis,
and we are the orgasm
of eternal living
eternal creation.
I live under the glare of a star
detached from the short earthly path
attached to the love of true life
in the mystical bed of eternity.
The hours were of the time consumed,
lonely passage to worlds of vain chimeras,
path already traced to foreseen destination
where tonight's rumba ends.
From vain prosaic ties free, the soul
his infinite journey without hesitation undertakes
beyond so much pain and so much death,
only seeks strength in the quietness of Peace
to be his carrier pigeon of good will 
that somewhere in the world God awaits
. A most delightful journey
A song to You, my nest to roost in ways I cannot reckon. A song to let the pen dispense sweet strokes and lines and rhythms for you to feel like incense caressing the corners of your land. To let it be a journey of life through the fertile valley of your skin divine. To let it devour the geography of your thoughts of mine akin. A poem to be for all a sacred temple, an angel painted on its dome, a place to call the world to sermon, and yet, for me, alone to read. For in verse, I would become, by a muse so gently tamed, my most glorious tale, for all who love, to hear and say.
A Candle Lit Upon The World Manhattan New York 911 2001
¡Pass the torch...! the trembling hand
stretched, my candle lit another candle and so a thousands more ignited at our services today. For this little flame upon the melting wax, a message sent across the pews to all in pray, in our humble church of Bethlehem. And it felt so mystic and celestial to pass the torch with love and faith, for in this land of ours, is the candle in our hand today, the glowing light for all who perished in the skies above and those in deepest caves entombed. Pass the torch my friend! Pass it well
beyond the temple of your faith, for it is the candle lit upon the world today the last farewell to those who went to eternal rest and us all who must begin to live again.
Just an instant
An instant was of light of summer dawn and blue of hope upon the sky... and then no more but doom and fury of hell upon the land. A cloud of death for us all to walk the path of no return. The empire is grieving, our souls in ashes drown, friends, brothers, soul's unknown, posthumous cry from far beyond a plight of rescue call us all, to live again and roar with fury unleashed only God can hear us in our pain from the horror of today. 
On to war
Do not rejoice in battle,
the midst of fury unleashed,
Agfan in flames
or Taliban destroyed.
Marching on today we must
not to seek revenge,
or match the reign of horror
launched on fateful day,
but to find the way
to see the face of evil
in its cave of hell
and feel the grip of death
and rescue life itself.
For the time has come
to let the well
of our faith run beyond
the roots of Bin Laden.
To kill the beast, we must,
for in the killing
the sword of justice thrust,
an eternal dawn
will come of light
for Islam and for us all.
A little time of wait
Mother to be
In awe and hope, for the day has come when nothing matters but the angel growing in a bed of roses within your sacred womb.
Only you with faith to ignore a swollen limb, an exploding brain, those awful morning sweats and days of heavy steps, can become the light you feed with joy- the brightest star to shine upon your bosom and the endurance of your soul. A rose has left my garden To my daughter Viviane - Kuwait-Iraq March 18, 2002 I dreamt of a garden blossoming in a desert; of bells ringing in the modest tower of a church, above a pristine land of births and joy galore, and that nothing was true of a war in lurk somewhere in the East beyond my lore. I dreamt of the busiest of all beehives, defiant little bees building honeycombs, catching butterflies hanging from the sky- precocious quest of infantile abandonment. In sadness lost, I saw depart impromptu from the happy cluster of my dreams, a silent bee wrapped in sighs and farewells. Her fate unknown but seeming thorny, unknown dimension my soul is target until my honeybee returns in hurry. Upon the graves
Tender is the light and bright still the flame upon the Towers gone today In sudden flash of death.
Land of souls alive. their dreams remain above the graves
America remembers pain unknown before a year ago in September. Embracing ways of hope, prepared for war, the land defends and fight the shadows of the unknown. Alert we pray in vigil night and day and swear never to forget.
At dawn it was
When at dawn in lazy path barely appearing, the morning filled with sorrow the dream was gone in darkness. ¡Cannot be! To have loved so much the bridal nubile feel, a light so brief, turned a wreaked charm. So big a passion, the wind, the rain, the blue beyond. ¡Oh! the abyss of age, the ringing of the bells in faulty towers of unearthed harvest, the dawns of boiling veins, the whispers of ghostly diaries, the taste of roses dead in broken vases, the anguish of the Calvary, the longest hour of the climb. ¡Cannot be! Abandoned breathing candles in the darkest clouds of the myth, delirium, painful sores... the dark. 
What is left
In the air, a soft, warm breeze. In the breeze, a gentle sound. In the sound, a name of love. In the name, some profound, pure and sweet gift of grace, for all times remembered well. In such a gift, an island sea of gracious hills and tropic dreams. A place to turn to, when far away, to ignore all pain in limpid streams, its golden shores and sandy ways of luscious forest and palms of faith. Such the young tenacious land
born upon a time of tenderness. The brightest sun, the mountains touched that day in endless song of light, and there were fountains of joy spilling life for long.
And God created Mom
Of all times millenniums past of every year, month and day, from creations dawn, from all the journeys of mankind to this morning of your reign. Mom! Without you, what other reason to live another day, to wear strength to wake and walk to war and pain? Without you, Mom, all deeds are in vain. Here on earth, in blossom and ambrosia upon your human garden, or, beyond, in heavens by glorious labor, You, Mom, inhabit the frontiers of never ending dreams for it is your light upon the altar of our prayers for us, your homage to the Gods, in vigil guarding our days.
Days of Pain
And there was sadness and so many cried in abyss of despair; our souls and lives knew of ghostly rain of death and of caves of doom so near, so close the labyrinths of fear- the way we were one day, no more, no more. But not at Xmas time, Hanukkah o Ramadhan. Not at home today under the greenest tree ever grown in all the land. For hope and greater deeds and blessed mistletoes adorn
the most sacred time of year-
the warm of all Kabbalah's
keep alive the land of Israel...
-upon the tortured plains of all Fagan,
hope resolve the darkness
of the land- armed in wait,
the hordes in Iraq
don't know night or day-
yet the furies seem to die
of death itself-
and in the darkness of the heart.
Time it is for us all
To lit the candle of our faith
in the midst of fury unleashed...
not to seek revenge,
or match the reign of horror
launched upon the world-
it seems to last forever-
but to find the way
to see the face of evil
in its cave of hell
and feel the grip of death
and rescue life itself.
For the time has come
to let the well of our faith
drown the inferno
where evil lurks-
To kill the beast, we must,
for in the killing lies-
¡Ironic¡... the Peace we seek.
-the sword of justice thrust,
an eternal dawn will come of light
to a world so cruel
and yet so good.

Dawn of a new day
Let the season of the smiles arrive
with its warm glow of new dawns
to fill with lights, the existence and
of smooth breezes the course of every day
Do not forget to watch the yesterday that dies
in the pale reflection of the things brought,
nor believe that nothing remains in its path
or suggests return - all remains and nothing remains of his era!
Relive everything lived, nothing was in vain, thistles
perhaps- and the memories- the breath of the flame,
the silence that overwhelmed loneliness, the vain passing
of the bribery, the elusive embrace of happiness.
Let the day appear and the larks sing!
That if yesterday was sad and filled with shadows,
Faith, dreams, life, its offspring, its ardors,
everything IS and lives in this dawn of love.
Julio 2020
Drawn Up Paths
Keeper of my poem
born the instant deeply felt
of New Year's first beat of joy,
I travel newer paths
filled still with yesterdays.
Calmly marching with the past,
aboard my ship of dreams
departed ones travel silently,
soundless wings carrying
fond of walking memories,
the lighter load of all.
For they, God of Heavens,
guardian of my secrets,
what they were, is the path
tracing my tomorrows;
their lives long gone,
grant renewed faith and joy.
For all I am, to them I owe.
Their hugs and kisses last,
my heart to them, I live again.
Let it not be said
Let it not be said that it dawns in twilight
the mind wrapped in absurd wanderings
and the heart weakened by restless nights
without wanting to beat again with ancient verve.
Let it not be said that for being in quarantine
laziness has sat in the living room of our house
and we share like with and old companion
and without a thought allow the weeds abound.
Let it not be said that the imposed social distance
is to cast looks of absolute mistrust
and that it is prudence not to hug
only that we have become sullen of bad upbringing.
Let it not be said that our neighbor is a stranger
that no longer even looks out on the us
and go back to the old manner of looking away
and grumble low and remain careless and oblivious.
Let it not be said that for having to be masked
our looks cannot be loaded with tenderness
or in noble gesture respond with grace
and help the quest of others for love and help
Let it not be said that because the church is closed
we cannot make our house a sacred temple
and classroom, and a warm villa of our home
that can be called global in faith and hope.
Let it not be said that we are not unhappy
for not having a job and living on everything scarce
but for not being able to run anxiously side by side
to tell everyone that we learned to be a lot
(more human.
August 22.2020